Political Awarenes

political awareness defined as knowledge about political events, campaigns, parties, elections, and salient issues, is the simplest measure of political sophistication. Yuvapath helps youths to grow awareness about political issues Political awareness may find some commonality among individuals that are part of a group, and as such contribute to a political culture within a group.
Yuvapth helps people to know their political rights, value of voting and how to choose a better candidate. Awareness about citizen rights. Yuvapath helps to be politically awareness to choose a better government and a better future.
Economical establishment

Yuvapath helps youths in economical establishment, because lack knowledge of economy is a big issue behind poverty Yuvapath want to make youths economically stable Yuvapath help to know people about economic strategies loan processes, investments, money-savings etc. Yuvapath arrange free counselings for money management, money-saving strategy, investments planning, and create awareness with economy.
Social Awareness

Social awareness is defined as being aware of the problems that different societies and communities face on a day-to-day basis and to be conscious of the difficulties and hardships of society. Yuvapath encourages the youths to take on social responsibilities and make their ability to take the perspectives of others and apply it to your interactions with them. Daily interactions with peers and teachers can help build your child’s social awareness.

Yuvapath helps to youths growing with the latest technology and run short term technical programs The program aims to create an open learning mechanism enabling children and youth to prepare for school, work, and life. The program has been designed on the premise that children can be motivated to learn on their own. Children learn on tablets and do projects or conduct activities. Also, provides technical training to youths, it will help to grow their skills and make the youth able to start their startups.
Short Term Technical Courses

- Agriculture machinery repairing
- Solar power
- Basic computer training
- Mobile repairing, A/C, cooler, home appliances repairing
- LED bulb repairing
- Automobile repairing
- E-rickshaw production and repairing
Environmental Issues

Yuvapath supports youths for environmental issues and make awareness to citizens. The main reason behind environmental issues is the lack of awareness with the environment. Because the unhealthy environment is one of the major reasons for an unhealthy village. Yuva path focused on environmental programs with youths supports like…
- Clean India green India
- Nmamai gange
- Smart village

Yuva path focused on the literacy of youths. The main reason behind poverty in india is illiteracy. Literacy is not just about book knowledge. It is all about general awareness, basic knowledge of fundamental rights etc. yuvapath helps citizens to know their basic rights and also do career counselling for youths of india and better guidance of students. Yuva path provides a common platform for achievers who want to share their knowledge with youths and want to be a mentor for the new generations.
Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is the process in which women can elaborate and recreate, what it is that they can be. Empowerment can be defined in many ways however we talking about women empowerment, empowerment means accepting and allow women who are on the outside of the decision-making process into it. Nowadays we say women and men are equal. To make this line true women empowerment is must and Yuvapath supports women empowerment and helps women to create an opportunity for them. Yuvapath provide pieces of training to women for small business.
- Candle making
- Soft toy making
- Beautician
- Stitching
- Cloud kitchen
- Pickles making
- Home based small business
Yuvapath holds the hand of women to start their startups and in loan process.